Teka Commission of Legal Sciences
Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Lublin

Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie

ISSN 1899-7694
e-ISSN 2719-7379

DOI PREFIX: 10.32084

Purpose and scope of journal:

“Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie” is a scholarly journal published since 2008 as an annual by the Polish Academy of Sciences; since 2019 published jointly by the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Association of Alumni and Friends of the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Lublin; since 2020 published by → the Association of Alumni and Friends of the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Lublin. The periodical has been published as a biannual since 2018.   

“Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie” publishes research papers addressing legal sciences and canon law. The scope of the journal includes all branches of law (administrative, constitutional, civil, criminal, commercial, European, international) and canon law, as well history of law and theory of law.  Studies published in the journal in English enable the exchange of knowledge and experience on the international forum. The subject of the articles refers to both present legal and socio-economic phenomena, as well as their historical and legal analysis.

Since 2021, the journal publishes articles only in English written by both Polish and foreign authors. Articles can be published by persons with at least the doctoral degree. “Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie” is a peer reviewed journal – before publication the articles are subject to a review process (two “blind reviews”). The articles are published with an abstract and keywords in English in a printed version as well as they are available free of charge in full (Open access) on the journal’s website.

Academic disciplines covered: legal sciences; canon law

Paper publication is the original version of the journal.

  • Deadline to publish the issue 1: 30th June 
  • Deadline to publish the issue 2: 31st December

Journal in the list of the Ministry of Education and Science:

According to the Communique of the Minister of Education and Science of 9 February 2021 on the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed international conference proceedings, “Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie” was awarded the scoring of  100 points for publication.

“Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie” in the Register of Journals and Magazines: Under the decision of the District Court in Warsaw, 7th Civil Registry Division, dated 1 October 2018 (ref. no. VII Ns Rej PR 857/18), “Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie” was entered in the Register of Journals and Magazines under item Pr. 18045.

“Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie” is indexed in the following databases:

  • ICI Journals Master List. “Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie” has successively passed the parametric evaluation for the ICI Journals Master List 2020 and has been awarded the Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 88.27
  • ERIH PLUS. The journal is entered in the ERIH PLUS (The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences).



Editorial Office Address:

Al. Racławickie 14, c-742, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
phone/fax. 81 445 37 42

e-mail: kkpp@kul.pl

The Association of Alumni and Friends of the Faculty of Law
of the Catholic University of Lublin

Al. Racławickie 14, c-742, 20-950 Lublin, Poland

phone/fax. 81 445 37 42

e-mail: kkpp@kul.pl

© Copyright by: Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa KUL